Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What happened in the Sea off Gaza?

Only now, days later is some of the truth of what happened off Israel's coast becoming clear. The initial story was that Israeli commandos had raided a peaceful ship carrying aid supplies killing many on board. This was presented by much of the mainstream media as yet further example of Israeli brutality.
The truth has begun to emerge.
Of course, all mourn those who died. It is clear that Israeli soldiers did not land on the Mavi Marmara with an intent to kill. How do we know this? We know this, because the Israeli Navy asked the flotilla leaders to land in Ashdod where any non-military supplies would be transported to Gaza and they would be permitted to return to their own countries. We know this because the soldiers landed armed only with paintguns and a sidearm (which they were instructed not to use unless in mortal danger). We know this because the footage clearly shows that the "peace activists" who had promised only passive resistance had, in fact, planned an ambush and a lynch mob. See the footage here:

Directing ship to Ashdod and offering to transport aid:

Landing on ship and being lynched:

Israeli soldier describes incident:

What position do we take as trade unionists?

Here is the position of Histadrut.

I think we mourn the loss of life. I think we mourn the fact that extremists are highjacking the peace process (this stunt besides costing lives directly, has also cost lives indirectly by imperilling the prospects for peace). I think we call on the world to actually look at the events that took place in its proper context. I think we call for trying to strengthen the relations between workers in Israel and Gaza/West Bank.

I reiterate a basic point...isolating the Jewish state and attacking its legitimacy internationally only strengthens the Right and harms the Left. We need to build and deepen connections. This kind of stunt does not help.

1 comment:

  1. and yet, histadrut is being progressively marginalized by the other side, claining that she is nothingmore than an instrument of oppression. shameful.
